- Child friendly environment.
- Individual care and attention
- Assessment through grades – encouragement to large number of students inculcating ‘Sense of belonging ‘ to a particular group.
- Hands on learning.
- MIKids.
- Karadi tales
- Edu-comp classes
- Group discussions
- Project work
- Audio & video based education
- Coaching for high achievers and special coaching for slow learners.
- Continuous monitoring of performance and positive inputs.
- Yoga, meditation and relaxation techniques imparted
- Computer education in alliance with NIIT.
- Task sheets
- Inter class quiz competition
- Club activities.
- Life skill training.
- Multi-task activities.
- Best class Rolling Trophy.
- Parents Open Meet.
- “Lathangi, a pioneer in introducing 21st Century Learning for Kids”
Lathangi’s Centre for Creativity & Innovation
- Caters to the advanced learning methodology through sophisticated technology.
- Kindles and inspires curiosity in the young budding minds of KG to VIII std. students by setting milestones in innovative learning.
- 3 Most Significant Labs were initiated to hone and sharpen the multidisciplinary creative thinking skills for meeting the challenges of the 21st Century.
Inaugurated 3 Innovative Labs- CREYA STEM LAB
LATHANGI is the FIRST MATRICULATION SCHOOL & SECOND amongst all STREAMS OF SCHOOLSin establishing - Creya STEM Lab & Design Thinking Studio NIIT Nguru Math Lab & FOURTHMATRICULATION School in establishing -EdSix Brain Lab in COIMBATORE REGION. CREYA STEM LAB AND DESIGN THINKING STUDIO Science, Technology, Engineering and Math – a hands on program for advanced learning and knowledge enhancement.- In STEM students engage in ideating, designing and building prototypes of innovative solutions for thereal world problems.
- It enhances communication and collaborative skills.
- Creya XEL combines projects in Engineering Design, Programming, Robotics, Photography,Audio, Video Editing applications using Tablets.
- STEM will produce wholesome students with good communication & necessary
- Skills blended to face the challenges confidently & come out successfully.
NIIT Nguru Math Lab Learn math the play way A unique technology enabled learning Solution designed for taking teaching and learning of Mathematics to the next level.- The revolutionary student – centric explorative learning approach of Learn – Apply – Diagnose - LAD provides ample opportunities for the Students to learn the concepts through fun-filled experiences.
- The hands on sensory learning experiences is provided within the classroom.
- Use variety of strategies to solve problems individually and collaboratively.
- Understanding, reasoning and learning by using concrete
- objects improves confidence in students.
The lab will engage students to learn Math easily, interestingly and develop a passion for the subject.EdSix Brain LabIncubated by IIT Madras, RTBI (Rural Technology and Business Incubator) & supported by IIM Ahmedabad’sCIIE (Centre for Innovation, Incubation And Entrepreneurship) • Lathangians now learn while playing Through computer based games.• Assessment & Training program on – Focus and Attention, Linguistics, Problem Solving, Memory & Visual Processing.• It strengthens decision making & planning skills.• Serves as a great foundation for all Competitive Exams & Olympiads. In the making of 21st Century student – He / She will be an innovator, problem solver, communicator, collaborator, critical thinker and a self- directed learner. TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More. Let us all work for the “Glorious future of our Lathangians”.