
 A fleet of best maintained vans.  Well knit facility to remote corners of Pollachi Taluk. It serves a limited number of children from different localities depending on the demand.

Instructions for those using the van

  • The children are requested to be ready at the respective bus stops at the scheduled time to avoid delay.
  • If a child uses the van even for shorter period full fees for the term will be collected.
  • If a child wants to stop using the van the same should be informed one week earlier through a letter addressed to the Administrative Officer (A.O).
  • Whenever the child using the van is taken home by private transport, the van conductor and the A.O. must be informed through a letter duly signed by the parent.
  • Parents are requested to co-operate by telling their wards to board and get down only at the scheduled stops.
  • The place of destination will not be changed for any reason in the middle of the academic year.
  • Van fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances or adjusted against other dues of the pupil.

Birthday Wishes
  • Nithin. K
  • V - A
  • Wish you happy many returns of the day !!!
  • Parisha Begum A
  • II - B
  • Wish you happy many returns of the day !!!